Friday, May 11, 2012

6 Men's Concerns About His body shape

Generally, women are more concerned about her appearance than men. But that does not mean the men do not care about their body shape. The audience of Central YMCA a health activity center in Cleveland, Ohio show, concerns for male body shape is greater when men were closer to women. In fact, there are some parts of the body which often makes him insecure. Here are 6 concerns a man about his body, as quoted by Cosmopolitan UK.

1. Penis size is too small
According to the poll, sites that provide personality tests and quizzes online, 23% of men think their penis size are not big enough, and 62% chose Mr. P got to be bigger than they have now.

"The only reason men concerned with penis size  because they thought it might not be necessary to give women pleasure," said Sisky Green, author of 'How to Blow His Mind in Bed (Piatkus)'.

2. Hair grows in part that Unusual
Many men find it strange if there is a thin hairs that grow in areas that 'should not'.For example, in the ears, nose, cheekbones and shoulders. To find that their hair grow in strange places, he will feel he is not normal. According Sisky, many men are afraid that if their hair are too thick at the back, buttocks and even the groin - it's actually a normal thing.

3. Body 'Muffin'
Ideally women, men also sometimes feel uncomfortable if you have a larger body at the top (shoulders, chest, waist, hips). Only, they did not speak out like a woman. Based on the results of the poll, 14% of men who met with woman for first date were feared that they look fat.

"Men have a more severe pressure for the matter of weight and maintain their figure. They want to show athletic and muscular," says Dr Carina Norris, a nutrisionist who is also author of The Food Manual '.

4. Too Thin
Approximately 7% of men embarrassed if their legs are too thin or too small, because men are generally portrayed as a muscular and strong. Plus according to Dr Pam Spurr, most women tend to prefer a heavy set man. "The big man is considered to protect women. Men Bodies  are aware of it and make them worry about the size of a small body," explained Dr. Pam.

5. Facial acne
Do not think only women who are disturbed by the appearance of acne on the face, men do so. Although they may seem not to worry about acne problems such as women, face a less smooth it makes them insecure.

6. Stretch Mark & ​​Cellulite
Stretch marks are not just owned by women, but also common in men. Based on a survey of Bio-Oil, one of the five men have stretch marks or cellulite. White streaks that they considered only pregnant women have given birth or are depleted, making them paranoid in their own state.

"Stretch marks occur when the body is growing faster than the skin covering it, causing red streaks that turn into white," said Kirsty Mawhinney, an expert on skin health.

According to the study, 19% of men have stretch marks as a result of the formation of muscle; 32% due to a too rapid growth of the body and the rest due to weight gain.

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