Sunday, April 29, 2012

Teeth Whitening Products can Damage Enamel

Some drinks such as orange juice and coffee can make you lose your teeth natural white. But if you use teeth whitening products before bed, you will experience a reduction in tooth enamel and may be left feeling pain in your teeth when you wake up in the morning.

A study published in the Journal of Dentistry found that  effort for teeth whitening using teeth whitening products can cause the hard outer layer of the tooth being thin and may cause tooth sensitivity, irritation, and decay.

Researchers tested five major brands of teeth whitening that contains hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. Products were applied to 65 samples of human teeth according to the manufacturer's instructions. In all cases, found a few samples of tooth enamel loss on the nanometer scale.

"You are not prohibited from using teeth whitening product, but you need to remember is that the product also has side effects," said Shereen Azer, BDS, MSc, MS, assistant professor in the Division of Restorative and Prosthetic Dentistry at Ohio State University's College of Dentistry as Rodale reported on Monday (4/30/2012).

If your teeth are too sensitive or you are concerned about side effects of tooth whitening products, here are some ways to strengthen tooth enamel, among others:

1. Visit the dentist regularly

Ask your dentist to clean your teeth professionally every six months. This can help reduce your need for tooth whitening products.

2. Drinking milk

"Weak enamel is actually due to the loss of calcium, but your body has the natural ability to repair it. Loss of calcium may return after a few moments from your saliva," said Azer.

You can help strengthen the enamel to meet calcium needs by eating a calcium source, such as milk, cereals and sardines.

3. Use a better toothpaste 

"Enamel made of the calcium contained in the remineralization of tooth paste or gel toothpaste with fluoride," said Azer. Use a toothpaste that is free of sodium laurel sulfate which can irritate the gums.

4. Replace your toothbrush

"Some toothbrushes, if not used correctly, can weaken the tooth enamel," said Azer. Choose a soft bristled toothbrush, not the hard one

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