Sabang is located at the tip of the island of Sumatra - Indonesia, on Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province. To get to Sabang, we have to cross from BandaAceh by boat for several hours.

The tip of the island of Sumatra and the Indonesian state hasbeautiful beaches and exotic. Plus the sea is directly related to the Indian Ocean. So many local and foreign tourists who visit thisSabang.
Its location is so strategic, that is easily accessible from other continents make Sabang as a tourist or a honeymoon. There are many activities to do while in Sabang.
You can do diving, snorkeling, swimming, sunbathing and enjoying the sunset in the evening. The waves are not too big to make youand your partner safe to swim at the beach.
If not satisfied to spend their honeymoon with a tour or activity for granted, you can hire a boat to get to the sea and dive with a partner.
Enchantment under the sea that is so extraordinarily beautiful and the tour will make your honeymoon unforgettable. Plus divingactivities with a partner company of a bunch of fish that will warmmood came over the sea.
But if you and your partner do not dare to dive, you can besnorkeling from the surface. Look-marine biota, and other marinecommunities can spoil your eyes and your mind.
Having tired of diving and snorkeling, you can sunbathe or relax on the beach punctuated with laughter and a stretch of sea that no limitwill relax your body and mind.
You can enjoy the sunset in the evening.
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